Coretta Scottking Book Book Awards 50th Anniversary
The prestigious Coretta Scott King Book Awards celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019. The committee planned programs across the country and presentations at various conferences. I was co-lead in organizing the 50th-anniversary gala which brought together library professionals, publishers, and authors/illustrators.
Read the School Library Journal article.

Greenheart Global Leaders Conference
In 2016, Greenheart International set an ambitious goal to send 40 university students to Washington, D.C. to participate in a leadership conference. Amber Hayes served as the lead on that project and successfully brought 37 international and American students to the nation's capital for a 4-day conference. Students chose tracks related to social justice, mission-driven business, and environmental sustainability. Through programming, Amber and her team were able to build relationships and have poignant conversations about global issues. The conference continued in 2017 and Amber served as co-lead.
View the 2016 promotional video.

Increasing Diversity in Library Media Collections Panel
Diverse Librarianship: ALA's Efforts toward Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
ARLIS/NA Diversity Mentorship Panel
Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services - EDI at ALA
Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services - EDI at ALA
Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services - EDI at ALA
"Reflections on Race and Racism." American Libraries, 5 Jun. 2020.
"Bringing the Library to the People." American Libraries, 28 Oct. 2019.
RAILS EDI Committee
Subcommittee on EDI and Outreach/Programming​
BCALA Black History Month Taxonomy Advisory Committee